
Agreement with China Coal Research Institute

iVolve have signed an agreement with China Coal Research Institute – Shenyang to work together to build a vehicle management solution for the Chinese Coal market.

Lighting Plant Management Solution

The management of lighting plants is a time consuming and expensive exercise. iVolve have successfully developed a solution to remotely monitor and control lighting plants while ensuring that occupational health and safety concerns are met. Our first deployment has been a major success with the customer rolling out the solution across its site. The ROI

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PAMS Load Assist Installation

iVolve’s latest addition to the PAMs suite, LoadAssist has just been installed on the loaders at one of our existing sites. Using a display mounted in the loader’s cabin, the operator is able to view the capacity of the truck currently being loaded as well as the progress of the load (total tonnage and incremental

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PAMS first site operational

iVolve’s first complete site has now been implemented with monitoring of all site vehicles for operational time as well as trucks for such things as load data and location to name a few.

iVolve Provides Wireless Capabilities for Tankhouse Management

iVolve has worked with MIPAC to provide wireless capabilities for their Cellview product for wireless cell monitoring. MIPAC, experts in major industrial process control, have introduced Cellview, a new wireless technology for tankhouse management that significantly improves copper and other electrolytic process operations. Cellview was developed in Xstrata’s Townsville refinery with installations in Europe.