iVolve are pleased to welcome our newest member, Claude, to the family. Claude joins us a Software Engineer from Montreal and will be working closely with our engineering team to solve issues and deliver intelligent and simple solutions. “I am very happy to have joined the iVolve team. After having completed my studies, I was
Meet the Team - Sharelle
iVolve are pleased to welcome our newest team member, Sharelle, to the family. Sharelle joins us a Project Manager and will be working closely with our support team and partners to coordinate resources for the flawless execution of projects. ‘I have several years of experience as a Project Manager in the Software, Mining and most recently Telecommunications industries. Having
Introducing Mine4D Guidance
iVolve Mine4D Guidance is an innovative approach to the application of technology in mining. Specifically designed to optimise operator activities, Guidance seamlessly integrates machine guidance and fleet management tasks. Guidance combines the benefits of real-time operational data with the precision of advanced machine guidance and control. Start with iVolve’s flagship FMS iVolve Mine4D Production which
Meet the Team - Nick
iVolve are pleased to welcome our newest member, Nick, to the family. Nick joins us a Support Engineer and will be working closely with our customer service team to solve issues and deliver intelligent and simple solutions. ‘I joined iVolve recently as a Graduate Engineer. I am currently working to improve existing support processes, and develop
Technology Adoption Improved Productivity by 5%
An aggregate mining company wanted to increase productivity and reduce cost, and realised that to do that they needed to move away from their paper-based system and start measuring actual numbers with a Fleet Management System (FMS). The time between collecting data and analyzing it was taking upwards of 18-24 hours, too long and inaccurate